For Realtors
GoPro Mortgage, LLC was formed with speed and technology in mind. Everybody can do quick pre-approvals. We can receive a conditional approval from a lender in about 15 minutes of a completed application on roughly 80% of our files. From there we can get an initial Closing Disclosure out in 24-48 hours on about 90% of our files. This is all done using state of the art new technology. We often have free or discounted appraisals available. In short, we do a great job of making our realtor partners look great for their clients.
We also are available to print specific mortgage scenarios with your realtor info on them so potential customers can get an idea of what a payment will look like. We also will physically be at your open house if you would like us there.

Most importantly, we refer business to our real estate partners on a consistent basis. Many of you likely get occasional referrals from your mortgage partners, but we have a unique marketing program that regularly puts us in front of dozens of prospects that need a pre-approval, and who don’t have a realtor. Contact us for more info on how to partner with us.

We also are available to print specific mortgage scenarios with your realtor info on them so potential customers can get an idea of what a payment will look like. We also will physically be at your open house if you would like us there.

Most importantly, we refer business to our real estate partners on a consistent basis. Many of you likely get occasional referrals from your mortgage partners, but we have a unique marketing program that regularly puts us in front of dozens of prospects that need a pre-approval, and who don’t have a realtor. Contact us for more info on how to partner with us.